Birgit LARA'ANA Maier

Love carries you over all obstacles, it means FREEDOM on all levels!


 I am Lara'Ana, the cosmic daughter of Sherin, the wise being of Venus and angel Chamuel. I was created as light in the frequency of the angels. My name Lara'Ana means: "That brings the light." In addition to my work as a medium and energy coach for a large company, it is my job to bring technologies and energy patterns of the New Age to the planet and to make them accessible to all people. Together with Jesus Christ I do my job with deep love (ELEXIER) and gratitude (AN ANASHA).


My current job:


Medium and teacher of lightwork crystal of love


Medium and teacher for the light work light message Andromeda


Development of the Jewel of Angels product line


Energy Coach




Bioenergy therapist and master of bioenergy

48 steps from the Kryon School

NAZA 'NAHM light pioneer, current step

Sol'A`Vana steps, SA'MAA´TAH steps: Cycle 1, 2nd, 3 and 4th appointment as MAHANA master of healing. Medium of the golden-blue frequency.


Further qualifications and further training in the occupations of the New Age

Earth healer, healer of the Syron frequency, raftan trainer, light cosmetician, magician of the new times, ambassador of the original frequencies, Hiam'Anastra - master of the aspects, Tarass healer, SHEN'A'MAA, SHAN'THIE'MAA, EL'DONAA herald of soul wisdom, TORA'AN'TARIA, aura master of the second degree after Heiko Wenig.                                                                                                                        



Silvia Maria Solve Pfnür

I AM divine, part of God and I serve the divine love!


I am SOLVE, the cosmic daughter of Myriel, the high priestess and Merlin. My light was created in the frequency of the angels, my name SOLVE bears the tones: magic light. My job is to serve as a channel of healing and to stand by people unconditionally. With clear intentions and a deep love for the spirit world, as a channel of high lights, I am fulfilling my task of bringing new technologies and healing methods to the planet and to people.



My awareness started at the age of 20. Of course with the question of meaning. Why am i here What is this life about? At first books were my teachers. Later, wonderful people who taught and still teach me different practices. They gave me tools to steadily expand my soul light. Through the love for God in everything that is and the cooperation with the divine family, I feel the primal force in me more and more.



My current job:


Development and teaching of light work, crystal of love


Development and teaching of light work, light message Andromeda


Development of the Jewel of Angels product line



Energy work with clients:

It would be a pleasure to make an appointment with you, even remotely.



My training:


Psychological counselor


Reiki master and teacher


Dorn therapist


Spiritual Response Therapy - SRT practitioner and SRT - Spiritual Restructuring


Own technology for body treatment and transfer of energies


Wearer-Mentastik 1


Teacher and co-founder of light work, love + light = healing


EL'DONAA- Herald of Soul Wisdom


About our company SO'HAM: 


In 2017 we founded our company SO´HAM. We are deeply convinced that each of us is a creator of our own life and carries the power of love that makes everything possible. We see ourselves as mediators between the spirit world and people. In all the years of training we have learned that the most important thing is to trust the divine core in us and always look ahead.




The spirit world holds so many gifts for us, these strengthen us in our trust in ourselves. With our seminar "Crystal of Love" and our products "Jewel of Angels", we want to help you yourself as a high light in a human Recognize bodies to remind you that you are so much more than just human! You are SO'HAM, you are a DIVINE!